Technical Project Lead @ Huawei Technologies

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Bangalore/Hyderabad, Karnataka/Andhra Pradesh, India
Have an overall 13 + yrs of experience Currently working as an Senior Architect.Expertise in design,implementation of Automation frameworks for Opensource automation tools like Selenium,Jmeter, Webdriver,Appium, Robotium Expertise in integrating Test & ALM Management tools like Rally,Qmetry,JIRA-Zephyr with Automation frameworks Expertise in design and developmenet Mobile Automation frameworks for tools like Appium, Robotium Remote Control,Cucumber BDD,Manual Testing


Thursday, January 9, 2014

Inspecting IOS elements using Appium Inspector for .app file

  1. Launch the appium Server (GUI version)
  2. You need to setup additional Parameters using to run the tests on Real Devices
  3. Choose the app path. Here you need to choose from Xcode iphoneos folder as mentioned in one of my previous blog ex: /Users/kiran/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/UICatalog-fqsvdhmisheuvqbsuomezsujnqgi/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/
  4. Check the option UDID. UDID is the device ID. You can find it from Xcode Organiser.
  5. Open xcode. Open organiser which is on top right of your Xcode
  6. Select you device in the left list of the organiser
  7. You should be able to see the device information
  8. Here Identifier is the UDID.
  9. provide this is identifier in the appium server option UDID
  10. Select option Force Device with selected option as iPhone
  11. Select option BundleID. This is the application bundle id. To find this Id follow the below screenshot
  1. I used Iphone configuration utility(freeware) to find the app bundle path. Google it and your should be able to find the download references
  2. Open the Iphone config utility, Under Application you should be able to see the app bundle id. In this case, 'com.yourcompany.UICatalog'. Set this to the appium server option 'BundleID'
  1. Start the appium server
  2. Click on Inspector Icon
  3. You should see your Iphone Screen in the Inspector

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