Inspecting IOS elements using Appium Inspector for .app file
- Launch the appium Server (GUI version)
- You need to setup additional Parameters using to run the tests on Real Devices
- Choose the app path. Here you need to choose from Xcode iphoneos folder as mentioned in one of my previous blog ex: /Users/kiran/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/UICatalog-fqsvdhmisheuvqbsuomezsujnqgi/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/
- Check the option UDID. UDID is the device ID. You can find it from Xcode Organiser.
- Open xcode. Open organiser which is on top right of your Xcode
- Select you device in the left list of the organiser
- You should be able to see the device information
- Here Identifier is the UDID.
- provide this is identifier in the appium server option UDID
- Select option Force Device with selected option as iPhone
- Select option BundleID. This is the application bundle id. To find this Id follow the below screenshot

- I used Iphone configuration utility(freeware) to find the app bundle path. Google it and your should be able to find the download references
- Open the Iphone config utility, Under Application you should be able to see the app bundle id. In this case, 'com.yourcompany.UICatalog'. Set this to the appium server option 'BundleID'
- Start the appium server
- Click on Inspector Icon
- You should see your Iphone Screen in the Inspector
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