I have been Evaluation the following open Source automation tools and the ones I'm looking to have
is to support the following.
is to support the following.
- Independent of Application(AUT) Source Code and the automation should be supported using APK
- Tool to support integration with OOPS so that the framework can be built robust.
- Achieve execution of the tests from Client machine rather than running them on device.
- Independent of Instrumentation frameworks like Junit.
- Integrate the tool with other opensource API like log4j and other Java supported API
- Object identification support based on object properties like 'name' rather than screen coordinated.
- Build and continuous integration support
Initially started the analysis with Robotium and Monkey talk and below are my observations
Monkey talk : is an open source android Functional Automation tool that support both on record and scripting. Since the scripting t javascript based i was a bit biased in selecting this tool to integrated with our existing automation framework.
Parking Monkey Talk aside, I started evaluating thest Robotium. Below are my observations
- Cool Java API and seems to be best fit into my framework.
- Limitations of Robotium is that it is tightly coupled to Junit Instrumentation framework.
- Tests are compiled as apk files and execution happens over the device. hence it is difficult to control or Debug the tests.
- Cannot track the custom log message other than logcat messages.
I came across another version of Robotium called Robotium remote Control.
- Execution can be controlled from a client machine which is the major advatage over Robotium Solo
- Independent of Junit Instrumentation Classes
- Support integration with log4j,Droid@Screen and other opensource Java API